3/10/20 - rooms to add? instead of having the switchable spaces like forest, desert, etc, maybe have these all separate. so you get more a sense this is a huge never-ending club you can explore and get lost in. so uh, maybe one side says CHILL-OUT, and through there are a bunch of spaces you just wander through. so like \ 3/4/20 a room that is just spinning lasers and glowing neon shapes?? or, is that the connecting bits? i dunno. to begin with, make it the connectors. so instead of just boring corridors, it's a corridor with rotating glowing neon tunnels you walk through.\ 2.2.2 ACHIEVED! holy ,moly i totally did it. well, some of this is pretty clunky and placeholder, but it works wwell enough to know that i can actually do all these features. w00t w00t.}